Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


This morning, I asked Rani to give me a confusion song. Then,she gave me some playlist. After,I heard the song. There's some part that touch me inside. Hahahahaha, as usual I keep trying to not produce a tears again(?) I'm not that strong enough. Shit,I should let this things come out-_- This is my favorite part:

I'm in love with your love
I'm in love with your face
In love with almost everything that you say
Yes it's true
I'm in love with you
I wish you put effort in
trying to make this new
(I would if you asked me,I'd do anything for you)
I wish we were strangers
(It's not like we're strangers)
In all the excitement we'd fall in love

Can't just someone throw this sadness away? I've been acted like I don't care. I've tried it for 2days and today will be 3days. A couple days,he was disappear. Not a funny thing.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Full face helmet+manual motor bike=Super cool power ranger B-)

Soooooo,yesterday I was being like such a cool motor bike driver. In the morning,my mom asked me to accompany her to Asy-syukriah. Then,after I had a breakfast. My dad asked me,"You won't go anywhere today,don't you?" and suddenly my tounge said,"No." 
After my dad has been gone to his office in Jakarta. I've decided to take a bath. And my mom said,"You can use your dad's motor bike,don't you?" and I said,"hmm... yes" "okay,just accompany me till Immigration Complex.I'll go to Asy-syukriah by public car. Eh,are you dare enough to accompany me to Asy-syukriah by your dad's motor bike?" *DEGERRRRRRR* I was wondering,it would be nice if my mom took a public car than me. 'Cause I'm a 'lil bit scared to drive that motor bike;more heavy than matic,I think-_- But, It means another experience. Then,with no doubt I answer. "I'm dare enough"
The most what the fuck thing was when I knew that my dad used my helmet to went to his office. *suddenly,mood meter has been decreased* The only way to accompany my mom was used my dad's helmet which like a professional motor bike driver. Yeah, a full face helmet like this -_-

Just imagine me with an old manual motor bike and this full face helmet. Kinda weird or kinda cool-_- Then, like there was someone said,"This is your destiny. Just take it,then you'll get another experience for the rest of your life"
I tried to enjoy it. And I realized that it kinda funny. Like I was a such powerful power ranger which her motor bike has been stolen by her enemy then your choice to save the world is just use those motor bike B-)
Short story, I went home with a complete body. Which mean I'm safe! What a day!

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Senin, 19 Maret 2012


Senin,19 Maret. Niat dateng ke rumah gue buat ngerjain tugas geografi. Emang sih awalnya niat buat ngerjain,tapi ujung-ujungnya malah si upil doang yang ngerjain tugas itu sendiri-_-v 
Sebelumnya gue,upil,irin,ebi,anis sama juni ngasih kejutan kedua dulu ke hendy,yaitu ngasih cupcakes.

Dan kemudian setelah itu,ntah mungkin di dalem cupcakes nya ada alkohol apa ada apanya tau. Mereka jadi pada mabok terus jadi sakit jiwa semua -_-
Foto ini adalah Madun dan Ronaldowati. Jadi,awalnya hendy sama ebi main tembak-tembakannya adit. Gatau deh gimana jadinya bisa sampe jadi pada maen madun dan ronaldowati nya

It was going more CRAZYYYYY!!!!! Sekarang ebi sama hendy bergaya ala pak RT dan TKW yang mau pergi ke Malaysia-_-v

Situation was going more more more crazy when Irin and Anis joined to had a photos with hendy and ebi-_-
Irin kaya abang-abang angkot cabul-____-

Nah!!! yang ini gaya forelatway (re:alay) -___-
Kalo diliat-liat ini kaya sebuah keluarga kurang bahagia dengan bapak yang beridung pesek dan berwajah seala kadarnya,kemudian ibu dengan tompel besar di pipinya dan berparaskan wanita bloon yang menikah dengan suaminya sekarang karna terpaksa. Dan,anaknya yang tersiksa punya keluarga absurd kaya gitu-___-

Yang ini kaya keluarga yang disantronin abang angkot-_-


YAP!! kurang lebihnya seperti ini lah keadaan rumah gue hari ini. ABSURD TAPI SERU!!! AKAKAKAKA